Kenna, pigeons and launchers

On Saturday I put a pigeon in each of two launchers. I put a quail loose by one of the launchers. This time I used survey tape to mark the position of the launchers. When Kenna first detected the birds, she did not point, but did stop running and work around to try to locate the scent. Than the slow stalk. She stopped for several seconds – the next foot forward and I tripped the launcher.

When she found the second bird she stopped longer in the stalk before trying to creep in. I think birds need to be in launchers since I have not mastered planting pigeons that will both stay on the ground and fly when the dog gets too close.

I need the survey tape to help me know the distance from dog to bird.

We did a short track later – That went fairly well. Ritka helped retrieve the pheasant after the track.

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